A meno di una settimana dall’evento, il team di BackBox Linux scende in campo a sostegno di quello che molti definiscono uno degli eventi piu interessanti nel panorama hacker italiano. Come molti di voi sapranno il CAT (cracca al tesoro) è una iniziativa giunta alla sua quarta edizione, quest’anno si svolgerà a Milano e vedrà la partecipazione di tanti appassionati di sicurezza giunti da tutta Italia. Lo scopo del gioco è ottenere l’accesso ai vari sistemi configurati per l’occasione, la squadra che otterrà il punteggio più alto verrà proclamata vincitrice.
Il nostro team, in accordo con gli organizzatori dell’evento, ha deciso di sostenere questa iniziativa al fine di sensibilizzare gli utenti sul tema della sicurezza informatica. Se da un lato un’iniziativa simile mette in evidenza i piu comuni errori di configurazione dall’altro si configura volutamente come un gioco… Sperimentare, confrontarsi, mettersi in discussione è il miglior modo per affrontare queste tematiche non solo da parte dei professionisti ma anche per i semplici appassionati.
Sabato 12 Marzo il team di BackBox Linux sarà a disposizione dei partecipanti per supportare tecnicamente chiunque ne avesse la necessità ma il nostro contributo non si limiterà solo a questo… Cercheremo di tenervi informati su tutto ciò che accade in diretta, Twitter, Facebook e IRC saranno i nostri canali di comunicazione.
A partire da questa iniziativa il nostro team e gli stessi promotori del CAT contano di lavorare insieme al fine di promuovere ed incentivare iniziative simili il cui scopo è unire le varie realtà italiane del settore.
https://www.backbox.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/website_backbox_text_black.png00adminhttps://www.backbox.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/website_backbox_text_black.pngadmin2011-03-07 12:38:002018-10-02 21:40:1712 Mar, BackBox Linux @ CAT2011
Introductory seminar on the use of BackBox Linux, new distribution developed to perform penetration tests and security assessments. During this seminar you will learn the key features of the distribution and practical demonstrations will also be carried out on the use of the main tools.
https://www.backbox.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/website_backbox_text_black.png00adminhttps://www.backbox.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/website_backbox_text_black.pngadmin2011-01-15 11:15:002018-10-02 21:40:26Seminar: Penetration Testing with BackBox Linux
The BackBox team is proud to announce the final release of BackBox Linux 1. BackBox Linux 1 features the following upstream components: Ubuntu 10.04, Linux 2.6.32 and Xfce 4.6.1
What’s new
New ISO image (32bit & 64bit)
System upgrade
Performance boost (using cgroup, the notorious “4 lines of code better than 200″ in user-space)
New look and feel
Improved start menu
Hacking tools new or updated: Aircrack-ng 1.1, Metasploit Framework 3.5.1, OpenVAS 3, SET 1.1, SkipFish 1.84b, SqlMap 0.9, w3af 1.0-rc4, etc.
Bug fixing
System requirements
32-bit or 64-bit processor
256 MB of system memory (RAM)
2 GB of disk space for installation
Graphics card capable of 800×600 resolution
CD-ROM drive or USB port
Enjoy the release, Happy New Year to everyone!
https://www.backbox.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/website_backbox_text_black.png00adminhttps://www.backbox.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/website_backbox_text_black.pngadmin2011-01-03 20:09:172018-10-06 16:42:38BackBox Linux 1 Final Release
The year 2010 is about to end, and we are doing a quick summary of our first year of development of BackBox Linux.
As many of you know our distribution comes both for (a bit of) fun and necessity. It has rapidly become a viable alternative and a better distribution for penetration testing. To date backbox Linux has been downloaded thousands of times from all over the world and received reviews in many different languages. It has often been complimented for its performance and we’ve got our team of developers to thank for that. We reached in a few months what others have achieved after years of development and this is thanks to our team of developers who always willing to accept advice and suggestions from the community.
The strength of our distribution is in the simplicity and lightness, but we believe that the success is due to our open vision, we evaluate any contribution or suggestion and we are the first ones to bring in discussion what we do. We of the BackBox Linux team look toward the world of computer security without any presumption, we are not Hackers, but we believe we are great lovers of computing. Our goal is not to simplify the practice of “penetration testers” but we want to just offer the most useful tools already configured and working so that our tests have more time to devote to the art of hacking. If 2010 was the year of trials, 2011 will see the birth of the first stable release of BackBox Linux.
What’s new? First, an updated system, even lighter, higher-performance, richer menu tools and all will be modular and customizable. The new Distro will be released soon and will have a definite life cycle. Further news will be announced shortly, all you have to do is stay tuned.
https://www.backbox.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/website_backbox_text_black.png00adminhttps://www.backbox.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/website_backbox_text_black.pngadmin2010-12-27 16:57:002018-10-02 21:40:53BackBox Linux – past, present & future
The BackBox team is proud to announce the release of BackBox Linux 1 RC2. BackBox Linux 1 features the following upstream components: Ubuntu 10.04, Linux 2.6.32 and Xfce 4.6.
What’s new
New ISO image
Improved start menu
System upgrade
Bug fixing
Hacking tools new or updated: OpenVAS 3, Metasploit Framework 3.5.0, Driftnet, Netdiscover, etc.
System requirements
32-bit or 64-bit processor
256 MB of system memory (RAM)
2 GB of disk space for installation
Graphics card capable of 800×600 resolution
CD-ROM drive or USB port
Important notice
Being an RC (Release Candidate) this release is targeted at developers and beta-testers who want to help finding and correcting bugs into BackBox Linux, before the next stable version is released.
https://www.backbox.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/website_backbox_text_black.png00adminhttps://www.backbox.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/website_backbox_text_black.pngadmin2010-10-21 15:35:002018-10-02 21:41:01BackBox Linux 1 RC2 released!
BackBox Linux requires some developers for working on a variety of interesting projects and in particular to join in an innovative and challenging project. We are looking for members interested to join in our flexible and expert team. The opportunity is huge and we have big ambitions.
https://www.backbox.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/website_backbox_text_black.png00adminhttps://www.backbox.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/website_backbox_text_black.pngadmin2010-09-27 20:31:002018-10-02 21:41:07Come and join our Team! We need you!
12 Mar, BackBox Linux @ CAT2011
/in NewsA meno di una settimana dall’evento, il team di BackBox Linux scende in campo a sostegno di quello che molti definiscono uno degli eventi piu interessanti nel panorama hacker italiano. Come molti di voi sapranno il CAT (cracca al tesoro) è una iniziativa giunta alla sua quarta edizione, quest’anno si svolgerà a Milano e vedrà la partecipazione di tanti appassionati di sicurezza giunti da tutta Italia. Lo scopo del gioco è ottenere l’accesso ai vari sistemi configurati per l’occasione, la squadra che otterrà il punteggio più alto verrà proclamata vincitrice.
Il nostro team, in accordo con gli organizzatori dell’evento, ha deciso di sostenere questa iniziativa al fine di sensibilizzare gli utenti sul tema della sicurezza informatica. Se da un lato un’iniziativa simile mette in evidenza i piu comuni errori di configurazione dall’altro si configura volutamente come un gioco… Sperimentare, confrontarsi, mettersi in discussione è il miglior modo per affrontare queste tematiche non solo da parte dei professionisti ma anche per i semplici appassionati.
Sabato 12 Marzo il team di BackBox Linux sarà a disposizione dei partecipanti per supportare tecnicamente chiunque ne avesse la necessità ma il nostro contributo non si limiterà solo a questo… Cercheremo di tenervi informati su tutto ciò che accade in diretta, Twitter, Facebook e IRC saranno i nostri canali di comunicazione.
A partire da questa iniziativa il nostro team e gli stessi promotori del CAT contano di lavorare insieme al fine di promuovere ed incentivare iniziative simili il cui scopo è unire le varie realtà italiane del settore.
Seminar: Penetration Testing with BackBox Linux
/in NewsIntroductory seminar on the use of BackBox Linux, new distribution developed to perform penetration tests and security assessments. During this seminar you will learn the key features of the distribution and practical demonstrations will also be carried out on the use of the main tools.
When: Tuesday 18 January 2011
Start event: 19:00
Cost: Participation Free
Location: Aula Zenith UNICAL, Rende (Cosenza) – Italy
BackBox Linux 1 Final Release
/in ReleasesThe BackBox team is proud to announce the final release of BackBox Linux 1. BackBox Linux 1 features the following upstream components: Ubuntu 10.04, Linux 2.6.32 and Xfce 4.6.1
What’s new
System requirements
Enjoy the release, Happy New Year to everyone!
BackBox Linux – past, present & future
/in NewsThe year 2010 is about to end, and we are doing a quick summary of our first year of development of BackBox Linux.
As many of you know our distribution comes both for (a bit of) fun and necessity. It has rapidly become a viable alternative and a better distribution for penetration testing. To date backbox Linux has been downloaded thousands of times from all over the world and received reviews in many different languages. It has often been complimented for its performance and we’ve got our team of developers to thank for that. We reached in a few months what others have achieved after years of development and this is thanks to our team of developers who always willing to accept advice and suggestions from the community.
The strength of our distribution is in the simplicity and lightness, but we believe that the success is due to our open vision, we evaluate any contribution or suggestion and we are the first ones to bring in discussion what we do. We of the BackBox Linux team look toward the world of computer security without any presumption, we are not Hackers, but we believe we are great lovers of computing. Our goal is not to simplify the practice of “penetration testers” but we want to just offer the most useful tools already configured and working so that our tests have more time to devote to the art of hacking. If 2010 was the year of trials, 2011 will see the birth of the first stable release of BackBox Linux.
What’s new? First, an updated system, even lighter, higher-performance, richer menu tools and all will be modular and customizable. The new Distro will be released soon and will have a definite life cycle. Further news will be announced shortly, all you have to do is stay tuned.
BackBox Linux 1 RC2 released!
/in ReleasesThe BackBox team is proud to announce the release of BackBox Linux 1 RC2. BackBox Linux 1 features the following upstream components: Ubuntu 10.04, Linux 2.6.32 and Xfce 4.6.
What’s new
System requirements
Important notice
Being an RC (Release Candidate) this release is targeted at developers and beta-testers who want to help finding and correcting bugs into BackBox Linux, before the next stable version is released.
Come and join our Team! We need you!
/in NewsBackBox Linux requires some developers for working on a variety of interesting projects and in particular to join in an innovative and challenging project. We are looking for members interested to join in our flexible and expert team. The opportunity is huge and we have big ambitions.
If you’d like to join us, contact us!